În pas cu istoria administraţiei publice
On 27 th August 2006 we celebrated the event of great significance that wiil de remembered by generations that started the construction of a new democratic state.
Unele aspecte ale creării Armatei Naţionale a Republicii Moldova
Political events taking place in the former soviet area at the end of 80-ies and at the begining of 90-ies of 20-th century served as a catalyzer for starting the national liberation process of the population from the River Prut till the River Nistru. Socio-political actions culminated for Moldovan country with the Declaration of Sovereighty of the Republic, act of great importance adopted on 23 june 1990.
Republica Moldova în cadrul relaţiilor internaţionale
The Declaration of Independence presenting the culminant point of the movement of the political and national emancipation, marked the discovery of the Republic of Moldova among the big family of the europenean states and all the civilization, having offered to Moldovan society and political elite new horizons and first of all perspectives of beneficial contacts with the free world to which Moldova was a real Terra Incognita.
Integrare europeană: concepţii, realizări, perspective
The diversity of concepts, stages and main objectives of European economic integration are consequently are subjected to the examination. A particular attention is given to “The European Union - the Republic of Moldova’s Action Plan” and to the achieveniments in the 15th anniversary context.
Институт почетных граждан
The maturity of a state and a society in contemporary conditions is characterized by the level of qualitative relations and cooperation of their structures. Life requirements in such close cooperation is difficult to overvalue. Conscious and coordinated actions of power and social institutions allow to overcome more successfully the estrangement that is habitual as it always to the nature of the power and the society.
Conceptul şi conţinutul suveranităţii
Sovereignty, as a social phenomenon, appeared at the same time as a state did and developed together with a state and determines particularities of a state. That is why the origin and the history of the concept of sovereignty are tightly connected with the origin and the history of a state. During the historical evolution a society, the doctrine examines the diversity of-Theories and opinions, concerning the content of sovereignty.
Pregătirea specialiştilor în domeniul administraţiei publice în instituţiile de învăţământ superior din Republica Moldova: realizări şi perspective
Intentions of the Republic of Moldova to join European Union request new challenges related to the training and formation of the staff in the public administration. In this context, it is necessary to establish and strengthen a modern system of training the specialists in public administration that would be in line with the European standards and needs of the society. The present material shows the results of the research on Evaluation of the needs in University education, post graduated studies, PhD degree education, as well as research field in public administration and good governance”, made by the authors.
Reforma administraţiei publice centrale – examen în consolidarea statului Republica Moldova
For 15 years the Republic of Moldova has been answering to the provocation of the time demonstrating itself as an independent state, that promotes democratic values and aspires to belong to the family of European States. Many events have taken place during 15 years. However for reaching our goal of building the state of law, our first exam and most important step to be taken is to reform the public administration.
Evoluţia statalităţii moldoveneşti în epoca contemporană
For many years some of home and foreign historitians tried to give reasons for the fact that Moldova historically was never a state that it was the territory property of Romania or presents an old Russian territory. For latest 15 years the number of historitian, authors of manuals and even some of deputies in the Parliament have been triing to convince that contemporary Moldova is an artificial state that has nothing with old Moldova. It’s a paradox, but under the pressure of this tend in the independent and democratic state of the Republic of Moldova where the major part of the citizens consider themselves Moldavians ethnically, the history of Moldova is not believed.
Evoluţia Academiei de Administrare Publică pe lîngă Preşedintele Republicii Moldova
In the context of the implementation of the Public Service Law (May, 4, 1995) and the legislation in general, during the 15 years of state independence the Republic of Moldova promotes different administrative practices of development and consolidation of the public administration system together with the realization of economic reforms (stabilization and economic growing on the basis of market economy, currency reform etc.), social-political reforms, as well as, forging the democratic rule of law. In this respect, the president of the Republic of Moldova, Mr. Vladimir Voronin at the meeting dedicated to the 15th anniversary of our country’s independence, stated that there are apparent progresses in the realization of these strategic directions of state development, declaring that the state lives with its future, new hopes, that are instep with the name of Moldova, our state itself.
Abilităţile profesionale ale absolvenţilor Academiei - parte componentă a strategiei în ridicarea eficienţei administrării
Republic of Moldova, the constituting of the civil society consolidation of the independence of the state, the aspiration to the European integration presuppose reevaluation of the rate of public authorities and their relations with the society and the acceleration of the reform in public administration.
Modernizarea administraţiei publice locale - imperativ al guvernării actuale
The creation of the Ministery of Local Public Administration presents a controversial process and has touched more issues of all levels; from the local authorities till the Parliament of the state; it was created when the necessity of the ministry was urgent. It’s significant that it was created on the 15th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Moldova. Statehood, independence are already realized things, but they need to be developed and consolidated.
Ideea noastră naţională este Integrarea Europeană
I am sure that sentiments that we all are experiencing today, are the most deepest and brightest. Today we all have just turned 15 years old. We are young, energetic; we are making new plans and are looking forward to new perspectives. When I say “we” I mean all our Moldova , our people that have set off the most difficult unforeseen, the most perspective road, the road of developing the independence and democracy.
Education Entrepreneurship and Escape from Poverty
The current paper explores the subjects of education and entrepreneurship to find out whether they can contribute to bringing poor out of poverty. Export activity is taken as an example of poverty reduction strategy, since export growth is one of the main ways to strengthen country economy. Author brings multiple evidences that education is a successful way for boosting entrepreneurship. As such, a greater accent should be placed at all levels of education in a country which is willing to unleash entrepreneurship potential of its citizens, especially of poor ones.
Роль государства в регулировании малого бизнеса в Молдове
Small business is a very important component in the economic market system. The Government have to support and develop the Entrepreneurship in Republic of Moldova. It will create new work places and provide the mobilization of financial, material and nature recourses.
Aspecte manageriale ale organizării Asistenţei Medicale Primare în condiţiile asigurărilor medicale de sănătate şi particularităţile ei
The Primary Medical Assistance is component part of national system of health; it can be named as core of it. If the level of organization of the PMA is efficient and gualitative then in future it will be reflected on the entire system of the health protection, later on it will maintain economic and labor potential of the country. Summarizing all the activites that are being performed in the republic, we are concluding that serious steps are being passed in order modernize and impact the health system, first of all through offering access to all categories of the population to the essential medical services.
Extinderea Uniunii Europene
This article is about the effects of European Unions extension. Being now the strongest point of attraction for European countries, EU must be aware of the necessity to make structural reforms in the way of improving the decision taking process and to rise the mobility of the institutional structure. New member states must be helped now, even if for some of them the level of economic growth is higher than the European Unions level.
Aspecte teoretice şi practice privind calcularea cheltuielilor specifice (normative)
This article is about the equalization of the possibilities of using the public services for all citizens not taking into consideration their territorial place, but this doesn , t mean that it will be used the way of equality. The equalization can be realized by taking intro consideration the living conditions in each region, which is distinct, for example, by their roads , length , or by the number of population of 15 years and older, etc. Also, it can appear the difference of cervices , prices and in the supply of goods and services in a country with the huge geographical distinctions. On the basis of these distinctions it can be calculated factorial parameters, which will be taken to estimate the specific expenses. So this mode will change the sum of financing approach it to the reality.
Rolul sociologiei juridice în studierea dezvoltării sistemului cadastru
Main methodological and methodical princeples of the social and legal survey of the cadastral system are worked aut in this article.
Instituţia Ombudsmanului în Republica Moldova
The Republic of Moldova tends to exhaustive integration in European bodies and has to respect their human rights standards. The Parliament and Government of Republic of Moldova should guarantee to their citizens that in case of ravishing their rights they can appeal to qualified authorities for reinstatement.
Regimul juridic al investiţiilor străine în Republica Moldova
Les investissements etrangeres representent une branche importante et tres dinamique des flux economiques internationnalles, notament elles ont un influence directe et forte sur la croissence economique sans oublier que c’est un catalisateur pour le commerce et les institutions productives de chaque Etat.
Legitaţi şi tendinţe actuale ale proceselor demografice şi socio-medicale în Republica Moldova
The overall demographic trends in Moldova suggest a situation of depopulation, fuelled mainly by poverty, insecurity and worsening health status of the population. The population in Moldova is mostly rural and appears to be rural-ising. The urban share of the population peaked at about half in 1990 but has declined to 39% in 2003. One of the main reasons is the status of certain localities changed as the result of successive administrative-territorial reforms. The population in the rural areas is ageing faster and more dramatically than the population in urban areas. People over 60 account for 15.2% of the rural population compared to 11.8% of the urban population. Overall, 1 in 7 people in Moldova is over 60. The health system is an important determinant of the population’s health. The evolution of Moldova’s health status after the independence (1989) has been uneven and was closely influenced by socio-economic developments. Life expectancy in Moldova remains to be the lowest in the European Region: 68.07 vs 79.06 years for European Union. At present, life expectancy at birth is 65 for men and 72 for women. In rural areas, life expectancy is approximately 3 years less for both sexes. The overall demographic trends in Moldova suggest a situation of depopulation, fuelled mainly be poverty, insecurity and worsening health status of the population. The overall population is also ageing. The population if the rural areas is ageing faster and more dramatically than the population in urban areas. This is putting greater strains on rural livelihoods and extended family networks, as well as on overstretched health and education services. Due to changes in the population structure, a feminization of the rural population is attested. There is no unit within the Government primarily responsible for developing and implementing policies in population and demographics aimed at addressing the described factors.
Republica Moldova - rigori de integrare europeană
There are phenomenon and processes which fetches outwardly human volition or even state volition, either it’s a micro or macro power, but whomever and whatever are seen to be further marked or influenced by them or are seeking to be influenced. The Republic of Moldova is seen to be submissive by European Integration process.
Миграция в Европейском Союзе после расширения
This article is about the present state of migration in the European Union. The fears expressed by some countries that after the last enlargement a big amount of migrants will enter on the Schengen area are not founded. The European economy is now dependent on cheap labor force offered by migrants. More than that many migrants that are now working in European Union old member states will return to their countries as a result of economic growth. The results of pools show that a little percent of people from new member states are ready to migrate to the old members. So in present, migrants are a necessary evil for European Union.
Caracteristicile şi funcţiile administraţiei publice contemporane şi procesul de extindere a Uniunii Europene
The mission of the European Union is to organize the relations between the member states and between their peoples in a coherent manner having as support the solidarity and the creation of a integrated economy with over 450 million consumers.