Creator este exact
Puşcaş, Victor
Conceptul şi conţinutul suveranităţii Sovereignty, as a social phenomenon, appeared at the same time as a state did and developed together with a state and determines particularities of a state. That is why the origin and the history of the concept of sovereignty are tightly connected with the origin and the history of a state. During the historical evolution a society, the doctrine examines the diversity of-Theories and opinions, concerning the content of sovereignty.
Perfecţionarea procedurii de ridicare a excepţiei de neconstituţionalitate în Republica Moldova The most important victory of the judicial and law reform in the Republic of Moldova, which gives independence to the judges, is in our opinion the right of judicial bodies not to apply normative acts contravening the Constitution in the solution of either civil, penal or administrative conflicts. In such cases, the legal institutions have the right to request the control of the constitutionality of the applicable normative acts in the solution of conflicts in whose aim the legislator has introduced the procedure of checking the exception from constitutionality.