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Republica Moldova
Republica Moldova în cadrul relaţiilor internaţionale The Declaration of Independence presenting the culminant point of the movement of the political and national emancipation, marked the discovery of the Republic of Moldova among the big family of the europenean states and all the civilization, having offered to Moldovan society and political elite new horizons and first of all perspectives of beneficial contacts with the free world to which Moldova was a real Terra Incognita.
Integrare europeană: concepţii, realizări, perspective The diversity of concepts, stages and main objectives of European economic integration are consequently are subjected to the examination. A particular attention is given to “The European Union - the Republic of Moldova’s Action Plan” and to the achieveniments in the 15th anniversary context.
Ideea noastră naţională este Integrarea Europeană I am sure that sentiments that we all are experiencing today, are the most deepest and brightest. Today we all have just turned 15 years old. We are young, energetic; we are making new plans and are looking forward to new perspectives. When I say “we” I mean all our Moldova , our people that have set off the most difficult unforeseen, the most perspective road, the road of developing the independence and democracy.
Regimul juridic al investiţiilor străine în Republica Moldova Les investissements etrangeres representent une branche importante et tres dinamique des flux economiques internationnalles, notament elles ont un influence directe et forte sur la croissence economique sans oublier que c’est un catalisateur pour le commerce et les institutions productives de chaque Etat.
Republica Moldova - rigori de integrare europeană There are phenomenon and processes which fetches outwardly human volition or even state volition, either it’s a micro or macro power, but whomever and whatever are seen to be further marked or influenced by them or are seeking to be influenced. The Republic of Moldova is seen to be submissive by European Integration process.
Consideraţii privind integrarea Republicii Moldova in spaţiul socioeconomic european Dans son evolution histonquc I'humanite a enregistre une succession de systemes economiqucs dont l'analyse est utile et neccssaire tant pour l'histoire economique pour I'identification des directions futures d evolution. On expose dans cet article les considerations concernant I'integration de la Republic de Moldova dans l'espace socio-cconomique europeen.
- În integrarea europeană a Moldovei nu se prevăd pauze
Impactul Planului de Acţiuni Republica Moldova - UE pentru integrarea europeană a ţării The EU-Moldova Action Plan is a political document laying out the strategic objectives of the cooperation between Moldova and the EU. It covers a timeframe of three years. Its implementation helps to fulfil the provisions in the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) and encourages and supports Moldova’s objective of further integration into European economic and social structures. Implementation of the Action Plan contributes to significantly advancing the approximation of Moldovan legislation, norms and standards to those of the European Union. In this context, it helps build solid foundations for further economic integration based on the adoption and implementation of economic and trade-related rules and regulations with the potential to enhance trade, investment and growth. It furthermore helps to devise and implement policies and measures to promote economic growth and social cohesion, to reduce poverty and to protect the environment, thereby contributing to the long-term objective of sustainable development.
Politica socială a statului și problemele finanţării sferei sociale în Republica Moldova The present paper reviews the concept of social politic and financial problems in the social sphere in the Republic of Moldova. The author describes the social situation and makes recommendations based on the experience from other countries. Also, he defines the relevant problems and how to overcome them. The paper promotes the perspectives of the financial problems in the social sphere
Promovarea politicii de stat în domeniul serviciului public din Republica Moldova The author of the present article analyzes the complex of methodological and didactic activities, their efficiency and role regarding the contribution of the Academy of Public Administration, Office of the President of the Republic of Moldova, in the promotion of the State policy in the field of public service in our country. The scholar mentions that the Academy’s Action Plan regarding the development and capacity strengthening has recently been elaborated. It essentially contributes to the edification of the democratic state of law and to the effectiveness of the activity of the system of public authorities at all levels. In the context of the fulfillment of the stringent opportunities for a more efficient promotion of the State policy in the field of public administration, the optimization of the training and evaluation system of the personnel, as well as, the need for the consolidation of the organizational, methodological and scientific basis of the activity of public authorities, the rector of the Academy underlines that the Senate has established the priority direction of research for the academic personnel, and namely “The edification of the state of law and the consolidation of the public administration.
Prevenirea corupţiei în administraţia publică din Republica Moldova: analiză şi recomandări GRECO On May, 5 th, 1998 the Committee of Ministers at the Council of Europe instituted the GRECO (Group of States against Corruption) in the form of the partial and broad Agreement, aimed to respect twenty principle directions to attack the corruption, approved by the Resolution 97 (24) of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe of November, 6 th, 1997, as well as, to apply other adequate international juridical instruments.
Republica Moldova în epoca globalizării informaţionale The results of information building in the Republic of Moldova in the era of information globalization are generally described in this article. The indicators and forecasts of ICT-sector are also reviewed.
Mecanismele de protecţie a drepturilor omului în Republica Moldova The study of human rights came into an authentic international phenomenon of political and legal nature during last decade, implying almost all nations due to its intensity and spreading. Thus, human rights became a much-discussed subject, which allowed, by means of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to adopt numerous international regulations, provided with many mechanisms for their application into practice. The adhesion of the Republic of Moldova to the Council of Europe and the ratification of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and of its additional protocols imposed a very detailed analysis of the legislation into force, according to actual social necessities and to criteria of a rule of law, as well as the study of all provisions that are contrary to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Mecanismele de protecţie a drepturilor omului în Republica Moldova The study of human rights came into an authentic international phenomenon of political and legal nature during last decade, implying almost all nations due to its intensity and spreading. Thus, human rights became a much-discussed subject, which allowed, by means of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to adopt numerous international regulations, provided with many mechanisms for their application into practice. The adhesion of the Republic of Moldova to the Council of Europe and the ratification of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and of its additional protocols imposed a very detailed analysis of the legislation into force, according to actual social necessities and to criteria of a rule of law, as well as the study of all provisions that are contrary to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Colaborarea Republicii Moldova cu Uniunea Europeană: realităţi şl perspective The experience that has been obtained by Moldovan diplomacy in collabora tion with the European Union come to demonstrate that the road to integration into European structures of the Republic of Moldova is quite complicated and also that there are no clear answers regarding the purpose of relationships be tween both parties. Moldova, unlike the Baltic States and those of Central and South-Eastern Europe, has not met the same way of the European integration process. Obviously, there are a number of objectives and subjective causes of which depended on the Moldovan diplomacy activity for including the Republic of Moldova in the European integration process. But, we can say, that up to now, European integration remains a constant and irreversible priority of the internal and foreign policy of Republic of Moldova.
Garantarea drepturilor şi libertăţilor fundamentale ale omului stipulate în constituţia Republicii Moldova The issue of human rights and fundamental liberties has registered a remark able evolution in the Republic of Moldova lately. It was carried out through the elaboration and adoption of new drafts of normative acts and the implementa tion of legal provisions in force. The gravity of human rights infringements im pose to the whole population the desire to know extensively and be aware of the imperative norms in the field, so that the state coercive force be adequately exer cised by its legal institutions. The people should feel protected by the state insti tutions, which are obliged to intervene each time when human rights are vio lated. In order for the given idea to become tangible, the citizens should know the means they have at their disposal in order to eliminate the causes and the effects of legal provisions contraventions. In this context the necessity to promote knowledge for the evaluation of hu man rights protection mechanisms is emphasized.
Activitatea Republicii Moldova privind contracararea terorismului: metode preventive şi colaborare internaţională In recent years, Republic of Moldova has made significant progress in the implementation of activities directed against terrorism. Preventing and combating terrorism is conducted within a national legal concept, Law on Combating Terrorism of 12 October 2001, as well as at European level, Moldova ratified the European Convention for the Suppression of Terrorism, adopted in Strasbourg on 27 January 1997. National security is provided to counteract the terrorism by authorities directly engaged in the fight against terrorism. There is less important international collaboration with European structures. Republic of Moldova contribute to international cooperation in combating terrorism while respecting international law on the prevention and repression of terrorism and in particular tends to solve the Transnistrian conflict, the source of instability and possible rise of terrorism.
Comerţul exterior al Republicii Moldova: realizări şl probleme The concept and theoretical approaches to external trade, the evolution of commercial export-import flows of the Republic of Moldova in the context of its participation to external trade with the rest of the world are examined in this article. The structure of exports and imports, the grade of coverage of imports with exports of goods are analyzed . A great attention is accorded to the examination of trade balance and tendencies in its evolutions. The trade policy of the Republic of Moldova and its priority directions are thoroughly analyzed.
Inovaţiile - necesitate pentru eficientizarea activităţii administraţiei publice din Republica Moldova At the end of the XX and the beginning of the XXI centuries, the Republic of Moldova is undergoing a complicated and aching period of modifications. In this complicated period of crisis, the state needs to qualitatively reanimate the strategic-innovational function in order to revitalize the situation and to deter mine the administrative system. On the basis of performant indexes and interna tional standards, the prognosis, the programming and the planning of public administration tasks should prepare the ground for new ideas and innovations. The innovations in public administration should become a catalyst in order to obtain administrative efficiency.
Republica Moldova în contextul realităţilor geopolitice contemporane: oportunităţi şl constrîngeri The Republic of Moldova passes through a continuous process to identify its place and role within the regional geopolitical context, i.e. its geopolitical status. It strives to fix its own objectives based on the need to ensure vital national interests. The Republic of Moldova is also important for the West (NATO and EU) and for Russia from the geostrategicat point of view, because it is an element of a larger geostrategical scheme, whose center is situated in the Black Sea area
Costuri şi beneficii de integrare a Republicii Moldova în Uniunea Europeană Participarea la o grupare integraţionistă determină o serie de transformări, de mai mică sau mai mare amploare, la nivelul statelor participante. Amploarea acestor transformări variază în funcţie de stadiul de integrare atins de gruparea regională şi pot îmbrăca forma redefinirilor instituţionale şi/sau de conţinut/ adoptare al politicilor sectoriale. Dat fiind stadiul avansat de integrare atins la nivelul UE, transformările în adoptarea politicilor economice sunt evidente la nivelul statele membre. Adoptarea unor politici economice în care factorul „european” devine dominant înseamnă, în esenţă, reducerea gradelor de libertate, justificată de urmărirea interesului comun „european”, în formularea şi implementarea politicilor economice.
Cred în viitorul european al Republicii Moldova Interviul ministrului afacerilor externe şi integrării europene al Republicii Moldova, Iurie Leancă, pentru postul de radio “Europa Libera”
Evaluarea performanţelor profesionale ale funcţionarilor publici din Republica Moldova Beginning with the 1st of January 2009 the activity of civil servants from Republic of Moldova is institutionalized by the Law on Public Function and Statute of Civil Servant no. 158-XVI from 4th of July 2008. According to mentioned Law, each civil servant’s professional performances shall be evaluated yearly. The organization and evolution process of the assessment procedure is institutionalized by the Regulation on the evaluation of civil servant’s professional performances, approved by the Government decision no. 201 from 11th of March 2010. The normative framework, which brings under the regulation the civil servant’s activity, contains a circumstantial definition of the professional performances evaluation process for all categories of civil servants: senior civil servants, management and executive civil servants. The evaluation procedures are different – for senior civil servants is one procedure, for management and executive civil servants – it’s another, but both are conceived to create the conditions of a impartial and honest evaluation, which will carry on to the civil servant’s career development and to the institutional progress as a whole.
Organizarea serviciilor publice locale în Republica Moldova: probleme și provocări Both the theoretical research and the empirical data prove with certainty that local government authorities are currently facing serious difficulties in establishing and managing public services of local interest. These difficulties might be either technical and financial, or human resources-related. Based on the carried out research, several recommendations have been developed in order to improve the existing situation; recommendations which can be conventionally divided into two categories - legal framework-related and related to the professional qualification of public services employees.
Avantaje şi dezavantaje de colaborare a Republicii Moldova cu Comunitatea Statelor Independente prin prisma securităţii naţionale The cooperation of (he Republic of Moldova within the Common wealth of Independent States is confined to economics, but nonetheless, over the years it became clear that the subsequent development of the state depends on the cooperation in other areas. Analyzing the relations RM-CIS, in addition to the advantages it has its presence in the country and I could list a numbe rof disadvantages, such as dependence on political and economic structures of this community, the worsening economic situation by failing to elaborate a single economic concept, inability to solve the Transnistrian conflict.