Acest curs a fost elaborat în cadrul proiectului „Susținerea dialogului instituționalizat
și sustenabil privind Autonomia Găgăuzia”, implementat de CMI – Fundația pentru pace Martti Ahtisaari și finanțat de Suedia. Opiniile exprimate în material aparțin autorilor și nu reprezintă pozițiile CMI sau ale Suediei.
Этот материал был разработан в рамках проекта «Поддержка институционализированного и устойчивого диалога по автономии Гагаузия», имплементируемого CMI – Фонд мира Мартти Ахтисаари и финансируемого Швецией. Мнения, выраженные в материале, принадлежат авторам и неотражают позиции CMI или Швеции.
În prezenta lucrare administrația publică se examinează transversal din perspectiva unei abordări tridimensionale: teorie, istorie, actualitate, prin identificarea factorilor de interacțiune dintre suporturile conceptuale privind administrația publică, evoluția și implementarea acestora în practica administrativă la diferite etape istorice, dar și în procesul de redimensionare actuală a administrației publice autohtone în condițiile statului independent.
On 27 th August 2006 we celebrated the event of great significance that wiil de remembered by generations that started the construction of a new democratic state.
Political events taking place in the former soviet area at the end of 80-ies and at the begining of 90-ies of 20-th century served as a catalyzer for starting the national liberation process of the population from the River Prut till the River Nistru. Socio-political actions culminated for Moldovan country with the Declaration of Sovereighty of the Republic, act of great importance adopted on 23 june 1990.
The Declaration of Independence presenting the culminant point of the movement of the political and national emancipation, marked the discovery of the Republic of Moldova among the big family of the europenean states and all the civilization, having offered to Moldovan society and political elite new horizons and first of all perspectives of beneficial contacts with the free world to which Moldova was a real Terra Incognita.
The diversity of concepts, stages and main objectives of European economic integration are consequently are subjected to the examination. A particular attention is given to “The European Union - the Republic of Moldova’s Action Plan” and to the achieveniments in the 15th anniversary context.
The maturity of a state and a society in contemporary conditions is characterized by the level of qualitative relations and cooperation of their structures. Life requirements in such close cooperation is difficult to overvalue. Conscious and coordinated actions of power and social institutions allow to overcome more successfully the estrangement that is habitual as it always to the nature of the power and the society.
Sovereignty, as a social phenomenon, appeared at the same time as a state did and developed together with a state and determines particularities of a state. That is why the origin and the history of the concept of sovereignty are tightly connected with the origin and the history of a state. During the historical evolution a society, the doctrine examines the diversity of-Theories and opinions, concerning the content of sovereignty.
Intentions of the Republic of Moldova to join European Union request new challenges related to the training and formation of the staff in the public administration. In this context, it is necessary to establish and strengthen a modern system of training the specialists in public administration that would be in line with the European standards and needs of the society. The present material shows the results of the research on Evaluation of the needs in University education, post graduated studies, PhD degree education, as well as research field in public administration and good governance”, made by the authors.
For 15 years the Republic of Moldova has been answering to the provocation of the time demonstrating itself as an independent state, that promotes democratic values and aspires to belong to the family of European States. Many events have taken place during 15 years. However for reaching our goal of building the state of law, our first exam and most important step to be taken is to reform the public administration.
For many years some of home and foreign historitians tried to give reasons for the fact that Moldova historically was never a state that it was the territory property of Romania or presents an old Russian territory. For latest 15 years the number of historitian, authors of manuals and even some of deputies in the Parliament have been triing to convince that contemporary Moldova is an artificial state that has nothing with old Moldova. It’s a paradox, but under the pressure of this tend in the independent and democratic state of the Republic of Moldova where the major part of the citizens consider themselves Moldavians ethnically, the history of Moldova is not believed.